Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Non-breakable Dishset


read a page of the poem Man-God by Maria Valtorta, I was touched to the core to put some thoughts on lips of the Blessed Virgin.
I state that I have not read the book thinking it as a theological text - I know that the Church, while allowing the reading to the faithful, they have clearly indicated that they are not revelations, but a work of fictional author, though devoid of theological inaccuracies. And as such I present to you a song there, which is penetrating and helps to understand the pain of Mary, in relation to the Passion of His Son. As in italics are words that the writer did say to Mary, when in keep the baby in her arms John the Baptist, he spoke to Zechariah:

"And you, now you can pray before the Holy, pray for the servant of the Most High. Ché be the Mother of the Son of God has blessed fate, to be the Mother of the Redeemer should be the fate of excruciating pain. And I will take a lifetime. And even if I do not see the details, I feel that if more weight is on my back from this woman posasse the world and I had to be offered to Heaven. I, I alone, poor woman! My Child! My Son! Ah! What now your not crying if I cradle. But shall I soothed my pain relief? ... Pray for me, priest of God My heart trembles like a flower in the storm. I look at people and I love them. But I see their faces appear behind the enemy and make them enemies of God, Jesus, Son .. ".

Sfoglio few pages, and find another place of great spiritual sensitivity:

"Oh! What if we humbly and lovingly give in your spirit to God, He will lead him as a father his child, nor permit anything to hurt your spirit. Jesus in his agony, he prayed to teach you how to pray. I will remember these days of passion. And you (... ... ...) think and remember that I owned to God through a growing pain. And 'I fell in with the germ of God and a giant tree has grown to touch heaven and hell with the summit with the roots when received in the womb of the barren lifeless flesh of my flesh, and I saw the torments and numerai and touched my heart ripped to consume the pain until the last drop. "

are words that reflect on the excruciating pain of a mother - and mother! - To see the suffering of the Son, and they can not do anything to alleviate it, much less stop it. The Gospel tells in a comprehensive manner the latter part of the life of Jesus, with tears in the Garden of Olives, from treason to the Sanhedrin, to continue the journey to Calvary and the nails of the Cross.
Cruelty man has no limits, and God chose to be born in a historical period where this type of sentencing was unusual, appallingly inhumane sentences.

Recently, we have followed the pain of other mothers. One way of cross between tears and hope, expectation and rejected. Sarah and Yara (Yara in Arabic means lily) have suffered the same fate: two girls whose lives have been torn apart by ferocious wolves. Some define them as ogres, but the orcs are creatures of a fantasy world, and for individuals who commit criminal acts so heinous, I can not find a suitable adjective, I can not give a name. I identify with those mothers: a pain that can not be described, It must have been the same pain of the Virgin Mary. There can be different. A son or daughter so brutally taken away from his mother's arms, causing pain that can not be described. As well as those twins disappeared into thin air. The agony of the mother, which can not be sedated.
Jesus' last hours, he turned to God saying: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
In following Christ, we should pronounce the same words, but how difficult, how difficult in some cases grant forgiveness. But it should be, there is no other way to find peace. The hope also to all those mothers who are seen tearing their children, not only by murderous hand, but also from accidents or diseases. I tell them, just thinking that your fruits are now with God, where there is only Love, protected from the rapacious hands of evil, you will find true peace. Be certain that the mother who has suffered so much for the Crucified Son, will love and comfort your child, and that Jesus will never abandon them, because they are martyrs of this civilization that has contempt for life and who has renounced the teachings of the Lord . For the one who loves God, loves others. Christ, who died on the cross for our redemption, do penetrate the hearts murderers spirit of repentance and bring peace to the families so severely affected.
News stories should be read by us Catholics, according to the teachings of the Gospel. We must not forget even for a moment that God humbled himself by becoming man, He is the Creator, and Son, was sacrificed for our salvation, enduring insults and abuse, that God the Father forgives us, and he himself forgave his accusers and torturers. Father Forgive them! We forgive ourselves. This is my proposal for Lent: not only seek forgiveness for us, offriamolo!


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