Monday, July 28, 2008

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What are AdSense ads

begin a series of posts on AdSense ads. AdSense and Adwords are two Google services for advertising. The first is for those who have a website or blog and want ads, the second is for those who want to publish a paid advertisement in the sponsored links from Google.
you happened when you do a search to find the right a series of ads. Well those are the shape support from Google. What they save in Google. The ads are all relevant and related what you are looking for. This makes a very useful service to readers. These same
related advertisements can be inserted in various forms in websites. In this way Google shares some of the advertising revenue with the owner of the site.
The gains only if the reader clicks on the ad and did not limit itself to read it. The gains depend on the type of ad. They range from a few cents to a buck. The site is
Adsense: adsense /


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