Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How To Writepastors Anniversary Invitation

placebo and nocebo effect

Marcello Pamio - taken from the pantry "Thought care "

The term 'Placebo' is the future of the Latin verb 'Place' , and literally means 'like me'. It is an inert substance without any active treatment, or a measure not pharmacological (guidance, comfort, non-invasive surgical procedure, etc..) causing a positive effect on a symptom or even a disease. Studies in 'blind' (where the patient does not know what you are taking) have been shown in diseases with a significant psychosomatic component (such as headache, insomnia, etc..) Up to 80% placebo effect. Studies in 'blind' (both the patient and the doctor who administered are not aware) have shown that doubling the dose of placebo treatment results are obtained with better than normal dose.
This amazing phenomenon, which is not psychological, it is known for a very long time, but today it is believed that up to 60% of progress with treatment (whatever it is) may be due to a placebo response! Molecular biologist Bruce Lipton, author of the bestseller "The Biology of belief: as thought affects the DNA and each cell" called the placebo effect, 'belief effect' to highlight how our perceptions, true or false, have the same impact on our behavior and our body. He fully supports the belief of the effect (placebo) because it is a striking proof of the ability to heal the human being.

no coincidence that the 'drug lobbies' carefully studied patients who react to harmless tablets sugar (placebo), but not for the sake of knowledge, but simply to then exclude them from clinical trials! Those who work for the disease rather than the health of people, they see the sugar pill - that proves more effective than the drug - as an economic threat, and indeed it is. The stage would collapse if the mass came to know that billions of dollars and years of research have not compared with a sugar!

A study by the Baylor School of Medicine published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine assessed the surgery on patients with severe knee pain [Moseley et al. 2002]. Patients were divided into three groups. In the first Dr. Moseley scraped damaged cartilage of the knee in the second, laid bare the joint, removing the material, as caused by inflammation (both techniques accepted by the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery). The third group was subjected to a 'dummy' Intervention: Patients were anesthetized, underwent routine three small incisions and the doctor during the operation, which lasted 40 minutes, spoke as routine. All three groups were prescribed the same treatment and postoperative rehabilitation. The results were surprising: the third group, the placebo that was made, just like the other two improved, and some of them even returned to playing basketball! The
belief, the belief that they were made, in the example above, has overcome a physical problem in the knee! We can still say that the placebo effect is psychological? We still know little about the real mechanism that is similar to the upstream and unexplained healings, the thing we know for certain is that this is an existing phenomenon, whose potential is inherent within each of us.

nocebo effect

If positive thinking, as we have seen, it can be released from a disease, such consequences can have negative thoughts about our health? This effect, called the 'nocebo effect' (Latin for 'no harm', harm), medicine is just as powerful as the 'placebo'. Thought can make you ill, the words and behavior can convey messages that take away our hope, and then can make you sick. This was explained very well Geerd Ryke Dr. Hamer New Medicine in Germany: trauma, psychological shock and sudden events (if you lived in a certain way) can trigger (and do so on three levels simultaneously: the psyche, brain, organ) any disease , influence the tumor more fulminant. Misdiagnosis (false positives and negatives in the screening as a preventive diagnostics are on the agenda), a phrase misplaced or detached from the physician, may trigger a dangerous inner trauma in susceptible individuals or extremely fearful.

Virtually every day we receive the information and / or news that can make us feel bad (predisposes to illness), they obviously are not experienced properly. Everything depends on us! Often we hear or see things that are incorrect, if not true: the filters with which we view the world and implement it, are conditioned by education, school, religion, etc.. If an early age, for example, we were taught that Muslims are dangerous and smell the nigger, when as an adult I have to do with an Arab or an African, will automatically activate a survival program, running In the first case or holding my nose in the second. These are called unconscious programming.
To understand how our subconscious, just imagine a dark room where the walls are crammed with writing, for example: "Muslims are dangerous," "blacks smell," "You're a loser," "will not do anything good, "" attentive to the dogs ", etc.. These writings - which are the result of external influences unconscious by parents, teachers, teachers, etc.. - Come to consciousness, comes to light, as he hears certain words or see certain things or we are in certain situations. Promptly upon becoming aware, however, the unconscious will do everything possible to boycott, and incredibly, it will do for our welfare! If we grew up with the words inside "you are a failure" (which later became conviction and belief), not just the lives we put in front of the positive results which show the contrary, we have the quality, the unconscious (which has enjoyed we are losers) will be false papers to bury our project, because it does not want our suffering. In practice, trying to avoid all situations that may make us feel bad.
Knowing how the unconscious, and then how does this inner boycott can get rid of these evolutionary brakes. There are several techniques that help to clear the conscience or take these written unconscious, but the most important thing is self-observation or self-consciousness, that we will see the end of this work.

E 'the will that makes man great or small. Friedrich von Schiller


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