Monday, August 20, 2007

Fake Ids In London Ontario

State casinos


Two journalists of the nineteenth century Genoa, and Sansa Menduni, denounced time taxes are not paid by the State Monopoly. Brace yourselves, are 98 BILLION . Where did this money? Parties, the mafia, to private citizens? Tangentopoli in comparison sounds like a joke and Valentino Rossi a child who stole the caramelle.Visco if you've beat a blow, as the federations of Ds are the owners of bingo halls. Fini and Alemanno , so busy on the costs of the policy, ask your advisors of the concessionaires of the slot machine.

The following letter to Mr. Sansa Menduni and Tino, director of the State Monopoly.

"Dear Dr. Giorgio Tino, we would like to offer her voice to these questions, but talking seems to be impossible. The look in vain for months, almost begin to doubt whether she exists. And to think that you have an interest to respond (as well as the duty). According to the report of a parliamentary committee of inquiry and of men of the Guardia di Finanza in fact, including unpaid taxes uncollected fines and concessionaires slots due to the state 98 billion euro. It would be one of the greatest escapes in the history of Italy. According to the committee and investigators, this treasure would be given to operators of legalized gambling. More: on the boards of some of these companies sit men from families linked to the Mafia. So, instead of fighting the Italian Cosa Nostra would have given tens of billions of euro.Con that money could be built into all major metropolitan cities of Italy. You can buy a 1000 Canadair to extinguish fires. We could modernize hospitals or five hundred organize four Olympics. PV systems could be developed capable of providing electricity to millions of people, or you could build the best network of railway mondo.Da month we reported in our newspaper, Il Secolo XIX, the survey results. Dozens of news pages that have never been denied. According to the Board of Inquiry, the State monopolies have serious responsibilities in the affair. Not only that, the Audit Court has asked the concessionaires to pay tens of billions of euro for compensation for harm suffered by the State. And you, in Mr. Tino, prosecutors have opened a proceeding to seek the payment of 1.2 billion euro danni.Ma What do you do? Silent and remains in place, as all those responsible for Monopoly, by Dr. Barbara to Dr. Aleman (sister of former minister of the National Alliance). And, even more amazing, is silent on Vice-Minister of Economy, Vincenzo Visco ( who for months has received the report of the inquiry committee), from which you dipende.Può to explain word for word what happened to those 98 billion €, according to the Finance were diverted to state coffers? So far she has no He never wanted to answer. Perhaps counting on the support of the political world. The rest of your armchair is one of the most popular in Italy. Few people know this, but the run monopolies the tobacco trade and legalized gambling . In short, a treasure, on which the parties were launched for years: An has its own representatives on the boards of the concessionaires of slot machines, while the federations of the DS are the owners of many rooms Bingo.Così you can afford to be silent. But who knows what he would do if these questions were repeated tens of thousands of visitors to this blog (the address of the press is: )? "Marco Menduni and Ferruccio Sansa

Letter complete


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