Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Get A Mew In Pokemon Deluge

Letter to Veltroni

Help, I've left but I am becoming racist
49 years I have been living in Rome, working at the Quirinale, where I studied, I read good books (I think and hope), I am interested in politics, I read two newspapers every day, I watch on TV and BallarĂ² Matrix and vote on the left, were candidates for the municipal list to Rome Veltroni. I try to teach my daughters the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance and nonviolence, the importance of education, good reading and study, work ethic and sacrifice to achieve something lasting and true in life. Lotto every day, at their side, against the culture of nothingness and appearance, against tronista and Veline and Big Brothers. But that's another story, and then right back to me and to my request for help. In 49 years I've become a huge racist and I can not stand it. There was a spring occurrence, an act of violence towards me or my family or friends, but a continuous drip of facts read, view of violence, of complacency by impunity, trampled morality, identity violated and raped , in fact, told by strangers on a tram or metro. For an old lady who coughed (strong and repeatedly) on the train a young slave boy sitting in front of her said: "If you're sick you get old!". To my representations and the girl that his companion had replied simply: "You who c.. or want, without the c.. are you", just like you, Roman. Another ride on the tram, crowded. Rooms a little old lady, approaching a black girl, the nearest entrance, and sitting between two other elderly people and gently ask her the place: the first is not responding and then, with the insistence of the elderly mumbles a "vaffanc .. old whore. " The old man sitting gets up to give the place: I rise to say that it is not right, she is young and may very well get a little old. That gets up, looks at me, said something and then I spit the gum that muttered: I got it by the collar and I have thrown out the tram stop. All clapping but I felt ashamed as a thief for my reaction and I got off at the next stop. Working at the Quirinale
occasionally going to buy a sandwich in Piazza Fontana di Trevi: I foiled by the pickpocketing gypsies 2. For a tourist in Palermo I did recover all the booty that had been stolen and as soon as I become aware of their presence in the pack of hunting, I feel that the police stationed at the fountain: no one moves it must be close to the bikes or cars. And then I realize that the fountain is no man's land, among dozens of vendors pistol making soap bubbles and those noisy contraptions that are launched into the air and makes the verse bands of crickets while raging. In front the rapes that occur too frequently, in several Italian cities, I wonder: what if I raped a young Arab in Mecca or Casablanca, if I were taken by the local police to encounter what would go? And if in Bucharest, on the subway, I stabbed a young Romanian received a boost, I would do the local authorities? Why must I always be good and comfortable with the nomads, dangerous and very sorry ah button when they steal, get drunk, my house and violate my privacy when rummage in the bins and throw everything out, when begging with malice and violence, when They beat the immigrants who do not want prostitution, when the children banging on the streets or send their children to school with head lice? Because if I call for immediate expulsion of illegal and violent thieves, prostitutes and pimps and prostitutes to come immediately matched with Eichmann? Why the political party that represents me, I wonder if the certainty of punishment, detention, he answers with Mastella who appoints the Director General of the Ministry of Justice that Nuvoli Gianpaolo that, centuries ago now, the days of "Clean Hands", said Borrelli "if the prosecutor had led to the gallows would be in the front row to witness the execution? Because when Fini, then competitor Rutelli, mayor of Rome, proposed to move the camps outside the GRA of Rome, all of us left (including me and then in the front row) cried "all the fascists out of the ring" and now, more than fifteen years later, the prevailing idea of \u200b\u200bmy mayor and the prefect to make haste in dismissing this case, substantially all of the policy followed so far ' integration and acceptance of solidarity? Why do I have to endure the agony of seeing human beings in the streets, day and night, young enslaved prostitutes without someone, right and first left now, is thought to prohibit street prostitution by simply changing the law ? But if the citizens of the affected areas take to the streets and demand, and with the patrols with torches, a minimum of decency and even anti-slavery here just beautiful souls cry out to fascism and the return of the brown shirts. Is growing every day more intolerance, hatred is mounting for the alien and no one does anything to stop these dangerous embers. Hundreds of people like me who have always fought to defend with all who enter this country who have fought like lions against intolerance and xenophobic violence, queer and small, now, to schizophrenia. I want to turn off those embers before they turn into a fire of resentment and violence, I do not want to leave more the monopoly of legality to the right and then I do not understand, why give the local vote for immigrants after five years of stay in our country, when In no great country Western Europe this happens. I am well aware, like all Italians, in Italy, every day, more than a thousand crimes, even hateful, they are made by my countrymen, no one really believes that safety is jeopardized only by immigrants, and I do not want to oppose it with all my strength from the aliens. But I want to legality, I want the culture of legality in this blessed country, I want those who make mistakes pay. Poor things


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