Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bump On Lip Is Not A Cold Sore

that needle red Paolo Borsellino ...

Lights and shadows on the massacre in via D'Amelio
Chicco Alfano from

I just finished reading a wonderful book on the agenda of White Pepper Red Paolo Borsellino mysteriously disappeared from the purse of the judge murdered 15 years ago.
A book that recounts the last 58 days of life Borsellino, from May 23 to July 19 fatal.
Just finished the book I decided to do a check on the agencies and I notice a dispatch on the submission by the DDA in Palermo to that of Caltanissetta, Palermo of jurisdiction on the authority of a new dossier on the investigation into the death of Paolo Borsellino.
A dossier full of news? I do not think even think they made stranoti to all, as the presence in via D'Amelio of a police officer moved a few months before the police headquarters in Florence because it seems to have "sold" his colleagues to a group of drug dealers, or the presence of the captain of the Carabinieri Arcangioli, seen the departure from site of the massacre in hand with the bag of Paolo Borsellino just pulled from the wreckage of the Eighth Armoured on which sat a few moments before the explosion the poor judge.
As for the remote control 15 are not yet known who actually pressed the button and you are no longer even sure whether it was a car bomb or perhaps a tin trunk full of dynamite left out on the streets without anyone noticing.
Moreover the state has never deliberately realized that protective measures were quite inadequate in relation to the judge that after the death of Giovanni Falcone was the number one goal of the damn season started stragista maybe because someone had done burden of dealing with the Mafia on behalf of the state.
inadequate protective measures since the same bodyguards, it seems they have written to their superiors to require surveillance measures in via D'Amelio.
another episode that rages in the newspapers these days is the meeting, denied, including Paolo Borsellino and the new minister of 'newly installed Interior Nicola this episode there are two key witnesses, those of the deputy prosecutor of Palermo at the time, Dr. Gaspare Mutolo Aliquò and repentance.
what does this have two different characters from each other? Simple and Borsellino were Aliquò at 17:40 of the July 1, 1992 at the premises of the DIA to Rome to question Gaspare Mutolo which was beginning to verbalize his collaboration and was about to put pen to paper the alleged collusion between Dr. Signorino (PM of the Prosecutor of Palermo who committed suicide following the statements by the Muto), those of Bruno Contrada former number three in the SISDE definitively sentenced to ten years and some mafias Palermo.
at 17.40 o'clock the phone dr. Purse rings, answer, seconds after terminating the call, and rising from his chair and announced that at the Dr. Muto. Mancino Aliquò that the Minister has convened at the Interior Ministry and the same is said that you must close for about 30 minutes or 40 minuti.Il Dr. Aliquò decides to accompany her purse and declare: "I took Paul to the doorstep of the office of Minister Mancino.
After about an hour the two returned to the premises from the DIA to reopen the record of Muto, but it is too aware of the nervousness of the judge and asked him what had happened. The
Muto later declare: "When Dr. Borsellino came back was so nervous that he lit a cigarette after another and my question about what had happened he said he was the Minister Mancino and that just entered his room he noticed that besides the presence of the minister, there were the police chief Dr. Parisi and Dr. Bruno Contrada ".
Mancino because the minister has always denied this fact? What have asked the three to Dr. Borsellino? The Usual Italian mysteries that have always characterized the history of our paese.Per regarding the remote control of the massacre still have to wait years to understand where it came from? E 'may have been the family of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto to pass it on to Palermo as in the case of the Capaci massacre? And this could very well fall within the passage of the new specification, which speaks of the secret services deviati.Ricordiamo that he now lives in Barcelona Saro Cattafi free lawyer, the man who in the last 20 years has been the focus of all investigations on the Italian international arms trafficking and the prosecution of Caltanissetta just need to brush up on the file 'murder of Judge Falcone to understand who he is, or just listen to the "visionary", as all have described, Sonia Alfano.
Ask that you might see some answers on Cattafi and how and by whom it was delivered to the remote for the Capaci able to give.
This time decide to sign with name and surname.

Chicco Alfano

The hope and courage to just leave an indelible mark. Giambattista Vico

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Vernors Ginger Ale San Diego

Freemasonry, politics and crime. The importance of the investigation De Magistris, and the investigation Forgot Cordova

Prof. Paolo Franceschetti

The investigation carried out by De Magistris probably affects what we believe is the biggest problem of our state for decades: the relationship between organized crime, politics and finance. Few remember that the investigation in 1992 on Cordova did Freemasonry thrived. And a few have noted the similarities with the current investigation of De Magistris. It is worth to remember them. But first we note that today all of these investigations - but much more - are recounted in a book, Brothers of Italy, by Ferruccio Pinotti. The book is large, about 800 pages. And 'well-documented, and also contains interviews with some Grand Masters of various rites. But it is possible to get some points that may be subject to approfondimento.Analizzare the Masonic system, and understand all the implications of this institution, the interference with society, with justice, and so on. Is an impossible thing to do in the few lines of an article from a blog. It would be a bit 'like trying to explain the workings of the world in a few lines. Our goal then is only provide some food for thought and further study to allow those who wish to do, referring to other books or texts. Highlighting, in particular, those issues that are usually overlooked when it comes to Freemasonry, which are important to really understand the system as a whole.

Some data.
In Freemasonry are recorded in Italy about 50,000 people, including members and non-statutory (ie the ear because their name does not appear on official lists). This huge number of people mainly consists of military, entrepreneurs, professionals, academics and politicians. In other words most dell'inteligencia Italian and persons holding positions of power. Among these are linked directly or indirectly as the Freemasons, Cossiga, Andreotti, Prodi, Berlusconi, De Benedetti, many components related to the Agnelli family, Vittorio Valletta (Fiat manager for many years, the man who brought the success of our factory golden years), the governors of the Bank of Italy Fazio, Ciampi, Carli, the former chairman of Mediobanca Cuccia, former chairman of the Senate Marcello Pera, but also many cardinals, bishops, the Dean of Cultural Property Bologna Panaino, etc ...
In particular the banking, financial and business community has very strong ties with the Masons. We already mentioned Agnelli and De Benedetti, and many presidents of the Bank of Italy, we find Volpi, Joel, Toeplitz, Stringher, Caltagirone, De Bustis (which belong to the Illuminati, according to Pinotti's book), according to some Consort, Fiorani and many altri.D 'Moreover, to understand the good relationships between Masonry and the official positions of the state, just think that Prodi the opening meeting of the GOI (Grand Orient of Italy) has sent a message of congratulations and welcome, which is the text is worth quoting: "The Republic and the Government send greetings, the Republic recognizes the values \u200b\u200bof Freemasonry." The salute was taken by the Secretary for Youth Policy De Paoli.
While former President of the Constitutional Court and the RAI Baldassarre recently attended a meeting of the GOI, speaking on the topic of the tripartite division of powers stato.In other words, the links between top government officials and masonry are very strong and undisputed. They are not very well publicized, little reported, it will. But they are official. Nothing wrong with that. Just remember that the first parliament of united Italy was composed largely of Masons as Crispi, Depretis Zanardelli. Every now and then peep
connected with the Masons diverted, even by people suspected. Pannella tempted to candidates on its lists no less than Licio Gelli, the head of the notorious P2 in order, presumably, to let him have his parliamentary immunity. But his official explanation was that the candidate because of Gelli in return promised to reveal its secrets. An explanation of delusional, Pannella said that even in committee. But that shows how political power go hand in hand in peace with people who conspired against the state, and ordered crimes of all kinds, including killings, to bring them in parliament.

Freemasonry as an institution worldwide.
Freemasonry is a worldwide phenomenon, that is organized on a global scale. The summit of the Grand Orient, all over the world, is in the English crown. They belonged to almost Masonry all U.S. presidents, and figures like Qaddafi and Arafat, French president, King of Belgium, the Netherlands, and so on. Ie the vertices of world.And 'a creation of Freemasonry - how, why, and how much it would be a problem all over to study and deepen - the UN, but also the Red Cross, the World Wildlife Fund (whose president is Philip Di Edinburgh).
was a creation of the so-called Masonic Bilderberg group, and was also known as the Trilateral Commission. To understand the potential problem that can arise by virtue of this brotherhood of leading figures from all over the world, he often cites the episode of Britannia, 1992; that year, on the steamship Britannia, the British crown, met some top finance and world politics, including Prodi and Dragons and it was decided that some Italian companies were privatized. Passed into foreign hands after that meeting, Buitoni, Invernizzi, Locatelli, Ferrarelle, etc. ... Also on that occasion, according to the report that some historians and journalists, it seems - but the conditional is a must - it is decided that the collapse of the lira, which in fact occurred in the following years, when we experienced a currency devaluation unprecedented (end of the devaluation was to make buying our companies to foreign buyers, for a nominal price). This explains
probably so - by virtue of the bond Masonic world - that the Bank of England (whose leaders are appointed by the British Crown) in the ECB, with 17 percent of the shares (although this is not one country in the Euro) and explains why so many Italian banks make substantial investments in shares of Chase Manhattan Bank, Barclayrd, Morgan Stanley, etc.., all linked directly or indirectly to the English Crown through a complicated game of Chinese boxes, creating conflicts of interest spaventosi.La Freemasonry has many facets. There are thousands and thousands of lodges, and para-Masonic or Masonic dozens of institutions (ie, organized as the Masons, but without the officially called by that name). We have the Big East, the most widespread worldwide. Then we have the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, Opus Dei and who knows how many others might not know. All these institutions are characterized by secrecy regarding their internal operation, and whether to transform itself, often in the real business of committees, even illegal.
These institutions are different from each other, and are sometimes in conflict. But very often work together and cooperate. Let us remember that once belonged to the P2 Gelli, which was technically a lodge of the Grand Orient, but he was also writing to the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar, by his own admission.

The Masonic lodges covered. In theory
Freemasonry is an institution in which you enter to make an initiatory path of knowledge and depth of the main themes of existence. This is certainly true for some or many of its members and numerous lodges. In theory, then the subscribers list should be public, being banned from our system the secret combinations.
But in reality there is the phenomenon of Masonic lodges covered, or hidden, where you sign up politicians who do not want to reveal their membership in the Masons, and these lodges are sharpened even as Mafia bosses Inzerillo, goodness, Riina, Bagarella, Lo Piccolo, Mandalari (the accountant Riina) which certainly does not come into this institution to a thirst for knowledge and deepening of soul searching. The reason for the existence of covered loggias explains the Grand Master of Bernard, P.. 396 of the book: "The covered loggias have always existed. Their function was to safeguard people's especially important institutional, political and financial, protecting them from undue pressure from other brothers. " The Masonic lodges covered in short, are the glue between organized crime, politics, finance and entrepreneurship (in fact the largest Italian financial scandals have had starring the Masons). And the Masonic lodges covered are the reason, or at least one of the reasons expansion of organized crime mafia in the central and northern regions.
An example will illustrate this better. If a mafia boss has to build a large property in the north, where it membership in the Masons, to ask for help "brothers" of the north. That, for the sole reason of having a brother in front, will help in this endeavor. If it is to launder money, once again, the collusion with a banker that will allow this recycling Mason. And the Masonic connection is the explanation of the expansion of the Mafia in the states of the European Union. Whereas Freemasonry is a brotherhood "world" will not be difficult to find support for a mobster Russia, America, or Cayman.Così as it is not difficult for Masons belonging to the various mafias, liaise with each other and forge alliances, hence born the alliances between the Mafia, 'Ndrangheta and camorra.Ecco why when a judge begins to investigate the so-called Masonic lodges covered is regularly fired, physically and / or processing.

The central problem of Freemasonry. The Masonic oath.
Now, here is the crux of the problem Freemasonry, among members of Freemasonry there is an oath of loyalty that brings them to help one another. This is the crux of the problem Masonic: it is possible that a public official or a government official to be servants of the state but at the same time, pay allegiance to a non-state? The theme, of course, is all to investigate, because obviously the more senior members of Freemasonry to deny their oath of loyalty prevail over state laws. But frankly, when operating in a covered loggia mobsters, members of the secret services, businessmen, and politicians, there is at least doubtful of these claims of loyalty to the state.
should also keep in mind one thing that few people know, in Freemasonry has its own courts, organized into three grades just like Italian justice. Masonry is a shape as a real state within a state. We could say a state above the state. Or at least, in the words of the 32 anti-Mafia parliamentary commission, "the balconies are covered ... can cause serious interference in the exercise of public functions." That is why the alarm that raises the possibility that a prime minister can belong to a covered loggia of San Marino or otherwise have an interest in its potential legati.Ecco the bomb that could explode if the investigation of De Magistris, in its content , was brought to light. And that's why the media hype you prefer to hijack the issue of his "presenteeism" on TV, to divert public opinion from an immense problem, which involves the problem of relations between politics and crime.
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Henry Kissinger

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How To Writepastors Anniversary Invitation

placebo and nocebo effect

Marcello Pamio - taken from the pantry "Thought care "

The term 'Placebo' is the future of the Latin verb 'Place' , and literally means 'like me'. It is an inert substance without any active treatment, or a measure not pharmacological (guidance, comfort, non-invasive surgical procedure, etc..) causing a positive effect on a symptom or even a disease. Studies in 'blind' (where the patient does not know what you are taking) have been shown in diseases with a significant psychosomatic component (such as headache, insomnia, etc..) Up to 80% placebo effect. Studies in 'blind' (both the patient and the doctor who administered are not aware) have shown that doubling the dose of placebo treatment results are obtained with better than normal dose.
This amazing phenomenon, which is not psychological, it is known for a very long time, but today it is believed that up to 60% of progress with treatment (whatever it is) may be due to a placebo response! Molecular biologist Bruce Lipton, author of the bestseller "The Biology of belief: as thought affects the DNA and each cell" called the placebo effect, 'belief effect' to highlight how our perceptions, true or false, have the same impact on our behavior and our body. He fully supports the belief of the effect (placebo) because it is a striking proof of the ability to heal the human being.

no coincidence that the 'drug lobbies' carefully studied patients who react to harmless tablets sugar (placebo), but not for the sake of knowledge, but simply to then exclude them from clinical trials! Those who work for the disease rather than the health of people, they see the sugar pill - that proves more effective than the drug - as an economic threat, and indeed it is. The stage would collapse if the mass came to know that billions of dollars and years of research have not compared with a sugar!

A study by the Baylor School of Medicine published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine assessed the surgery on patients with severe knee pain [Moseley et al. 2002]. Patients were divided into three groups. In the first Dr. Moseley scraped damaged cartilage of the knee in the second, laid bare the joint, removing the material, as caused by inflammation (both techniques accepted by the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery). The third group was subjected to a 'dummy' Intervention: Patients were anesthetized, underwent routine three small incisions and the doctor during the operation, which lasted 40 minutes, spoke as routine. All three groups were prescribed the same treatment and postoperative rehabilitation. The results were surprising: the third group, the placebo that was made, just like the other two improved, and some of them even returned to playing basketball! The
belief, the belief that they were made, in the example above, has overcome a physical problem in the knee! We can still say that the placebo effect is psychological? We still know little about the real mechanism that is similar to the upstream and unexplained healings, the thing we know for certain is that this is an existing phenomenon, whose potential is inherent within each of us.

nocebo effect

If positive thinking, as we have seen, it can be released from a disease, such consequences can have negative thoughts about our health? This effect, called the 'nocebo effect' (Latin for 'no harm', harm), medicine is just as powerful as the 'placebo'. Thought can make you ill, the words and behavior can convey messages that take away our hope, and then can make you sick. This was explained very well Geerd Ryke Dr. Hamer New Medicine in Germany: trauma, psychological shock and sudden events (if you lived in a certain way) can trigger (and do so on three levels simultaneously: the psyche, brain, organ) any disease , influence the tumor more fulminant. Misdiagnosis (false positives and negatives in the screening as a preventive diagnostics are on the agenda), a phrase misplaced or detached from the physician, may trigger a dangerous inner trauma in susceptible individuals or extremely fearful.

Virtually every day we receive the information and / or news that can make us feel bad (predisposes to illness), they obviously are not experienced properly. Everything depends on us! Often we hear or see things that are incorrect, if not true: the filters with which we view the world and implement it, are conditioned by education, school, religion, etc.. If an early age, for example, we were taught that Muslims are dangerous and smell the nigger, when as an adult I have to do with an Arab or an African, will automatically activate a survival program, running In the first case or holding my nose in the second. These are called unconscious programming.
To understand how our subconscious, just imagine a dark room where the walls are crammed with writing, for example: "Muslims are dangerous," "blacks smell," "You're a loser," "will not do anything good, "" attentive to the dogs ", etc.. These writings - which are the result of external influences unconscious by parents, teachers, teachers, etc.. - Come to consciousness, comes to light, as he hears certain words or see certain things or we are in certain situations. Promptly upon becoming aware, however, the unconscious will do everything possible to boycott, and incredibly, it will do for our welfare! If we grew up with the words inside "you are a failure" (which later became conviction and belief), not just the lives we put in front of the positive results which show the contrary, we have the quality, the unconscious (which has enjoyed we are losers) will be false papers to bury our project, because it does not want our suffering. In practice, trying to avoid all situations that may make us feel bad.
Knowing how the unconscious, and then how does this inner boycott can get rid of these evolutionary brakes. There are several techniques that help to clear the conscience or take these written unconscious, but the most important thing is self-observation or self-consciousness, that we will see the end of this work.

E 'the will that makes man great or small. Friedrich von Schiller

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What Do I Wear To A Sorority Woodser?

Dead Series B

From Voglioscendere
Toto death compared to the "level" that at the end of life, finally makes all the same. But, luckily for him, he had not seen the Italian Parliament to the work XV of the term, that two days ago, in approving the budget law, has decided to hold separate the fate of victims of terrorism from that of the victims of the Mafia. The first receive a state subsidy more than double the latter. The lives of judges, police officers, police, journalists, politicians, priests and ordinary citizens murdered by the mafia are worth less than those who had the good fortune to be murdered by the Red Brigades and blacks. This is why Tina and Sonia Alfano Montinaro, respectively journalist Beppe's daughter killed by Cosa Nostra and the widow of Antonio killed in the massacre of Capaci and acted as escort to Giovanni Falcone, are two days chained to the gate of the Prefecture of Palermo, together with relatives other victims as "second class", ie of the thighs. I have met Yesterday evening, in a Palermo unusually cold and rainy. There was, in their small gazebo, a small crowd of citizens. There was also a parliamentary Ds, Beppe Lumia. And there was a camera Annozero, which soon will take care of the case. I found them standing, Sonia and Tina. Very proud of their act, but also denigrated because of a state that is killing for the second (or rather, for the umpteenth time) their loved ones. Sonia wished, with a terrible paradox, that the repentant Mafiosi be converted to the state, but the Red Brigades. So, therefore, the victims of the Mafia will finally be compared to that of terrorism. Sonia is also hoped that the so-called Minister Mastella, announced that Beppe Grillo in a lawsuit for repeating what she said ("A time to remove the judges had to kill them, now just asking the minister to transfer), denounces her as well. Since Mastella announced that it will donate the damages, if the will, to the victims of the mafia, claiming she could take away money from one pocket and return them in the other. And the game will end amounted to a draw. Returning to the hotel, I turned on the TV to see if some news or some talk show he was addressing the matter. A "Special Tg1" Gianni Riotta, with that face Riotta, was staging the usual minuet between politicians (Matteoli National Alliance of the Democratic Party and Williams) and some directors newspaper on the real emergency in the country: the parties that do not "talk" enough on the "great reforms". A "Matrix" Enrico Mentana, with that face Mentana, the other half of the family home to Rutelli, Barbara Palombelli ie, to solve another national emergency: the crime of Perugia. Between off and throw up, I preferred to turn off.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How To Use Cheats On Gpsphone

Prodi, WHY NOT-President, help us to hope

Marco Travaglio

Since appealing to the sensibilities of Clemente Mastella is a futile exercise this is a call to Romano Prodi. With the current climate, gentle chairman, everything can afford that unless his government incurring the suspicion of wanting to remove a magistrate who is investigating the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice. Then you know, the president, his name is entered in the register of Catanzaro degl'indagati investigation for abuse of office "Why Not" a duty to see clear up a few thousand phone calls involving a mobile phone "in Use "you too, besides some members of his staff for some time investigated for alleged fraud on the funds. Instead Mastella is under investigation for now, but the acts of the Prosecutor of Catanzaro ended several phone calls between two suspects (the number two in the CDO, Antonio Saladino, former piduista Luigi Bisignani, already sentenced to maxitangente Enimont) and Mastella. That is, the first minister who has sent an inspection in Catanzaro and now calls the CSM to transfer away from Catanzaro Mariano Lombardi, the chief prosecutor and the substitute Luigi De Magistris, who is the holder of such investigations. Formally, the minister exercises his power. In fact this is the first time a Minister of Justice calls to transfer a token that investigates not only the head of government, but also on him. Berlusconi had repeatedly tried to get rid of the pool of Milan and even to a trial judge Sme (Guido Brambilla), but by Castelli, never "treated" by the magistrates in Milan. Now, with the demand for anti-Mastella De Magistris, conflict interest is even double. If you, President, is extraneous to the allegations, has every interest in that Parliament authorizing the use of phone records that the prosecutor will send to the House, so that its position will be further developed and then closed without shadows. As a common citizen. However, if the investigation was removed from De Magistris, or if Parliament were to deny the go-ahead, would doubt that the investigations have been blocked by political means. And the same goes for Mastella, whose calls are being investigated. Since De Magistris became interested in you, President Prodi, his entourage and his justice minister, she would have to triple the stock, recommending his staff not to say a word against him and his Keeper to leave work in peace. Unfortunately, the opposite has occurred: De Magistris - as he often wrote on Unity Enrico Fierro, one of the few Italian journalists to notice the case Calabria - is one man, both in its proxy, both in his city, both in its region. The allegations that the ministry's moves are ridiculous: it would have slipped a few phone calls "irrelevant" in the search warrant of Pg Power, would be issued "too many interviews, did not inform the head of some inscriptions of suspects. Now, that's about to break the isolation is often the last weapon remaining judges in the land of the Mafia, but, if you do not violate the confidentiality of investigations (De Magistris and he never did), it is their constitutional right. That phone call is not relevant as another review. As for the failure to notify the head, the prosecutor should be noted that Lombardi is alleged to have informed suspects of another investigation by the Hon. avv.ind. Luigi forzista Pittelli (social study of the child of unmarried Lombardi): so, when De Magistris searched them, found the empty drawers. With such a precedent, only a fool would continue to inform the head. Whatever one may say the news, the current one in Catanzaro is not a fight between and deputy prosecutor, and Mastella is the peacemaker who restored order in Catanzaro is a tragic story, far unpublished, of kids who are investigating judges to 360 degrees and a power sprawling, extended to the upper echelons togate, trying to stop him. It was hoped that such stories would end a year ago, with the release of Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi. Help us, President Prodi, to hope again.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hide My Ip For Ubuntu


I was there! I can say with a pinch of pride ...
E 'was an important day for democracy in Italy, and not just because hundreds of thousands of people gathered in dozens of places with the "only" force network, but because they wanted to make clear to our politicians that the Italians are not all ready to be puppets of the maneuver at will. In that square there was an atmosphere other than Saturday, a mix of anger and at the same time hope to be able to really change anything.
I know it's still little but I think it's the beginning of a great change. The important thing is to keep our feet on the ground and I think it will come out ...
On stage there was also a Marco Travaglio Monday that wrote this article about the unit.

Marco Travaglio
To see the news of the regime, that is, nearly all of Saturday in Bologna and other places nothing happened (a lot of space Instead of marriage Baldini, Fiorello's friend). To read the newspapers of the scheme (many), the V-Day was a triumph of the 'anti-politics "of" populism ", the" justicialism "and" indifference. " In a country that has lost his memory and abolished the logic, this inversion of the vocabulary is all there: the real politics is anti-politics, populism became popular participation, the thirst for justice becomes justicialism, do the names of the thieves instead of yelling "all thieves "and whatever. In fact, the V-Day was anti-political, populist, and any executioner, lorsignori had established even before the see it, to know what it was. Whatever. They did not know and do not know (there were) and for the whole day, in 200 squares in Italy and abroad, thousands of young people from the Meet-up grilleschi have collected 300 000 signatures (you only need 50 000) in the bottom of a proposal for a popular law that calls for a ban for those convicted of a seat in parliament, the upper limit of two terms for the return to parliamentary and citizens' right to choose their representatives on the ballot. That is, have exercised a right under the Constitution, to bring to the attention of three rooms 'political' question how many other ever. And they did with the weapon oldest and most genuine of any democracy: the manifestation of the square. That square that, when dealing with Berlusconi and Bossi and Casini and Mastella to ask for things unconstitutional, all invited to "listen". And when dealing with a million people, almost all young, without labels or flags (many were badly counted, Saturday, from Bologna to New York, where the 20 signatories to the petition were 300 000, many were still lined up at midnight and many more were abandoned to return home) becomes a reproach to ignore and avoid. While the V-Day after, start from Bologna to return home, call Beppe Grillo to comment in the cold: he tells me, laughing like a madman, that phoned his old manager, "Cenci" Marangoni, saying that Villanova Bagnacavallo there is still the line at the banquets. And Villanova Bagnacavallo are four cats, mostly of a certain age, and who knows what they have done to know that there were banquets since he has not said no tv and almost any newspaper. But if you sign Villanova Bagnacavallo yet, maybe this is not anti-politics: this is superpolitica. And 'anti-politics to defend the dignity of Parliament tarnished by the presence of 24 affected and eighty suspects, accused, condemned and forfeited interim? And 'anti-politics seek to return sovereignty to the people with a law any election, provided they choose to be elected and the voters did not elect the same? And 'anti-politics claim that the policy back to be a service that is suitable for a limited period of time (ten years maximum), after which you return to work or, if no one has ever done this thrilling experience, look for a job like everyone else? And 'anti-political demand respect for the judiciary and say thanks to Clementina Forleo and independent judges like her? Who was it in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, or in connection to the rest of Italy and abroad, has seen tens of thousands of people stand up from noon to midnight. He heard Grillo seek tolerance "of these" parties, parties of the inflated tiles, fake Congress, the primaries halved (see exclusion Furio Colombo, Di Pietro and panels), the same law for others to deny wanting to create a new one, and noted that the "abuses" by hunting are not walking and window washers, but politicians and corrupt bankers or collude. An economist, Mauro Gallegati, explain the failure of temporary work in a labor market with no market and no job. A great architect Majowiecki explain the crimes that cement sow his colleagues in Italy and Europe with the complicity of administrators senseless, and possible alternatives to a way of "light" of thinking and build cities and infrastructure. Alexander Berger explain democratic participation with a sweeping narration ("Who did it? I am the State"). An expert in alternative energies such as Maurizio Pallante tell what could be done in the field of environment and energy instead of incineration, incinerators, coal-fired and high-speed trains for the mozzarella. The guys from Locri launch yet another cry of pain from Calabria in the underworld and bad politics. Judge Norberto Lenzi risking disciplinary proceedings to warn that Berlusconi is alive and fight with us, even on the left. Sabina Guzzanti take the piss fuffista and compliance of the drift. Parents Federico Aldovrandi tell, in a silence mingled with tears, the tragedy of his son who died two years ago during a "police control". Massimo Fini a lecture on the decline of representative democracy citing Kelsen, Mosca and Pareto. The journalist Ferruccio Sansa synthesize its investigation on the "treasure" from € 100 billion that the state has never received by dealers, often criminals, the video poker and other games, a mega-tax evasion discovered by Woodcock pm and the Guardia di Finanza but covered with incredible silence government. Eventually I talked to myself: I recalled Lirio Abbate threatened by the Mafia, I have tried to explain that zero tolerance has to start, as in New York of Giuliani, the mafia and corrupt, not the washer and the street, and I defended Cofferati, which will have many defects, but not from the poor, as first claimed by employers on the legal status of employees. I made several names, like everyone else on the stage in Piazza Maggiore. Now I discover that the names would do "whatever" and talk in general, to say nothing, then what is it? PS I spent the whole afternoon under the stage and on stage, and I never heard I do not say "against" Marco Biagi, but "of" Marco Biagi. The name "Marco Biagi" layer is never quoted in full. Has been said a couple of times that the Law of 30 illegally made out to the Berlusconi government professor assassinated, that he could not rebel, as a minister of that government called it a "pain in the ass." And he spoke to ask Cricket to reform it, along with the Treu Act, adding however that "the real problem are not even laws: is that in Italy there is no work." I say this because a friend, the former court commissioner hours Libero Mancuso, no one has seen the event, spoke of alleged "insults to Biagi." I can assure you that if someone from the stage, he really disrespected Marco Biagi, on that stage none of us, even Grillo, would remain a minute longer.

The people must not be afraid of the governors are the leaders who are afraid of the people. Thomas Jefferson

Monday, August 20, 2007

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State casinos


Two journalists of the nineteenth century Genoa, and Sansa Menduni, denounced time taxes are not paid by the State Monopoly. Brace yourselves, are 98 BILLION . Where did this money? Parties, the mafia, to private citizens? Tangentopoli in comparison sounds like a joke and Valentino Rossi a child who stole the caramelle.Visco if you've beat a blow, as the federations of Ds are the owners of bingo halls. Fini and Alemanno , so busy on the costs of the policy, ask your advisors of the concessionaires of the slot machine.

The following letter to Mr. Sansa Menduni and Tino, director of the State Monopoly.

"Dear Dr. Giorgio Tino, we would like to offer her voice to these questions, but talking seems to be impossible. The look in vain for months, almost begin to doubt whether she exists. And to think that you have an interest to respond (as well as the duty). According to the report of a parliamentary committee of inquiry and of men of the Guardia di Finanza in fact, including unpaid taxes uncollected fines and concessionaires slots due to the state 98 billion euro. It would be one of the greatest escapes in the history of Italy. According to the committee and investigators, this treasure would be given to operators of legalized gambling. More: on the boards of some of these companies sit men from families linked to the Mafia. So, instead of fighting the Italian Cosa Nostra would have given tens of billions of euro.Con that money could be built into all major metropolitan cities of Italy. You can buy a 1000 Canadair to extinguish fires. We could modernize hospitals or five hundred organize four Olympics. PV systems could be developed capable of providing electricity to millions of people, or you could build the best network of railway mondo.Da month we reported in our newspaper, Il Secolo XIX, the survey results. Dozens of news pages that have never been denied. According to the Board of Inquiry, the State monopolies have serious responsibilities in the affair. Not only that, the Audit Court has asked the concessionaires to pay tens of billions of euro for compensation for harm suffered by the State. And you, in Mr. Tino, prosecutors have opened a proceeding to seek the payment of 1.2 billion euro danni.Ma What do you do? Silent and remains in place, as all those responsible for Monopoly, by Dr. Barbara to Dr. Aleman (sister of former minister of the National Alliance). And, even more amazing, is silent on Vice-Minister of Economy, Vincenzo Visco ( who for months has received the report of the inquiry committee), from which you dipende.Può to explain word for word what happened to those 98 billion €, according to the Finance were diverted to state coffers? So far she has no He never wanted to answer. Perhaps counting on the support of the political world. The rest of your armchair is one of the most popular in Italy. Few people know this, but the run monopolies the tobacco trade and legalized gambling . In short, a treasure, on which the parties were launched for years: An has its own representatives on the boards of the concessionaires of slot machines, while the federations of the DS are the owners of many rooms Bingo.Così you can afford to be silent. But who knows what he would do if these questions were repeated tens of thousands of visitors to this blog (the address of the press is: )? "Marco Menduni and Ferruccio Sansa

Letter complete

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How To Watch Movie From Usb On Sony Tv

Borsellino, survey on intelligence

For investigating people connected to the apparatuses of the rerouted service may have played a role in the massacre in via D'Amelio

ROME - There may be some intelligence behind the slaughter in which via D'Amelio killed the deputy prosecutor Paolo Borsellino and five police escorts. This, at least, is trying to ascertain what the prosecution of Caltanissetta, which opened an investigation file on the matter. According to the hypothesis of the investigators, led by the deputy prosecutor, Renato Christmas, diverted some of the intelligence apparatus could have played a role in the attack.

NEW DOCUMENTATION - In particular, investigators are considering a range of documents acquired by the prosecutor in Palermo, and with the remote that could be used by the bombers. At this unit is connected to a businessman from Palermo. The processes that took place in the past only condemned the perpetrators of the massacre, but nothing has ever heard of who has pressed the button that blew up and Borsellino's bodyguards. Another factor on which is focused the attention of investigators, is "the abnormal presence" of a police officer in via d'Amelio immediately after the explosion. It is a cop - already identified by prosecutors - that the first the massacre was on duty in Palermo, but was moved to Florence a few months after July 1 that colleagues had discovered that a valve had reported "outside" the names of the police detective investigating a team to San Lorenzo on a drug trafficking.

July 17, 2007

Wherever death may surprise us in battle, which is welcome.
Ernesto Che Guevara

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Eagle Sport Wheels Scooter

Otto per mille: how much the Church Italians

Paul Mouth - taken from

With the revision, reaffirmation of the Concordat of 1929 signed in 1984 Craxi government (two big mistakes made by two great men of the State) Catholicism ceased (theoretically) be the state religion in Italy, although the new text of art. 9 states: "The Italian Republic recognizes the value of religious education (Catholic) and takes into account the principles of Catholicism are part of the historical heritage of the Italian people", and even if, due to the revision of the Convention annexed to the new economic Concordat is repealing the "reasonable" to support the clergy paid by the prior state coffers, the disbursement was immediately replaced with the funding "voluntary" eight per thousand on total revenue of assets subject to income tax, paid by every citizen and entered the office of the tax return forms. Such complaint mechanism "charitable" giving way to the taxpaying public to choose who to donate a tenth required: if the State, the Catholic Church or other religious (Christian), then the exclusion of secular humanitarian organizations, agencies scientific research and so on (1). But this triggered a clever trap devised at the time of our "secular" politicians on the input of the (mon) lords of the hierarchy: since, as expected, and it was expected, only third of taxpayers, out of laziness, indifference or despair, those who choose to donate the offering, art. 37 of its implementing legislation states:
"If choices are not expressed by taxpayers, the purpose (of the quotients for distribution of the total revenue) is established in proportion to the choices (percent) expressed." And since, as was predictable and was listed among the minority that makes a choice only 35% did not opt \u200b\u200bfor the Catholic Church, this addition to the share allocated specifically to cash also gets 85% of its revenue.
The amount of this figure, reversed from the income of citizens and in a sense taken directly from their pockets, was calculated in about a billion per year. In theory, such a huge sum should be devoted to charitable activities, but the same official number of the CEI on the period 2002-2004 admit that 46% of collection is intended "to the needs of worship [the Pope]" (gatherings ocean, papal trips, etc.. etc..), 34% to support the clergy and only the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bto charitable work. But in the latter, it should be noted that most of this village will be dedicated to missionary work, and then to a work of propaganda and proselytizing non-Christian areas of mondo.All 'ripped huge amount each year, bon Crè ill CRE, the taxpayers, should be added a sum of same order of magnitude disbursed directly by the State (excluding therefore regions, provinces and municipalities) with the causal varied: in 2004 there were 258 million intended for Catholic schools, 44 million for the five major Catholic universities, 20 million for the sole University of Opus Dei (2), 478 million for the salaries of 15,000 religion teachers past role in all schools of all levels (3).
then adding to those relating to school funding health institutes run by Catholic institutions, we can calculate another billion expenditure by the State. In fact, the Church runs more than a 6000 medical centers, hospitals and divided in 1853 care arrangement, 729 orphanages, 534 medical clinics, 136 dispensaries, 10 large hospitals (including the Gemelli hospital in Rome, which serves as the Vatican) and 111 medium-sized hospitals, etc.. Then in the field of public education (well, Catholic education), the Italian Church has 504 seminaries, 6,228 nursery schools and kindergartens, 1280 primary, 1136 secondary, five major universities, whose attendance, which provides post placement graduate, is coveted, and 130 other medium-sized universities, including State funding and fees charged to students (4).
But as is natural, such an enormous wealth of production and reproduction is accompanied by an equally wide array of management, consisting of 118 bishoprics, 12,314 parishes, almost as many speakers, 360 generalates of religious orders, monasteries a thousand men or women (half of which, for the lack of vocations, it ends up becoming centers hotel 4 stars). Moreover, only in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bRome, the Holy See Bishops of Rome have a vast real estate assets, both inside and outside the Aurelian walls, one-fifth of the urban area that extends into the circuit of the historic fortifications. Only the State of Vatican City has substantial property building extra moenia only partially specified by the Lateran Pacts of 1929: eg., The building Propaganda Fide in Piazza di Spagna, the Gregorian University, the College of Lombard, the Russicum etc.. etc..
Not to mention the area of \u200b\u200bSanta Maria di Galeria, which houses the Vatican Radio and Television, which covers 44 hectares, is still the center of a scandal to the electromagnetic pollution caused by its broadcasting. Throughout this vast real estate assets nor the Vatican nor the CEI pay a single euro of taxes (5). We must add the ecclesiastical bodies that are 59,000 and 90,000 have property, whose value amounts to at least 30 billion, but they by the Convention annexed to the economic to be exempt from taxes on buildings and land and income relating to institutions or institutions, on sales and on those of added value: in short, from all taxes and charges. In this way, the Italian state and municipal institutions are losing revenues estimated at 9 billion and a half for that without the tax privileges of the Church, the Italian could halve the direct and indirect tax burden imposed on the citizen-taxpayers. But as if this were not enough, tax exemptions of the state is necessary to add those municipalities, as a recent law to ecclesiastical bodies "is not exclusively commercial" are exempt from 'ICI. And as for that exemption is sufficient for these institutions (hotels, restaurants, rest stops etc.). Autocertifichino their destination as "places of worship (or having an attached chapel chiesuola6), no municipality receives a € peninsula from these lucrative activities. In this way, the Italian municipalities lose the incredible amount of 2 billion a year and a half, which added to the loss of revenue of the state tax drives up to about 12 billion the total amount of tax (theft authorized) of the Holy Roman Church .
immense amount that the state and municipalities shall repay tax charged on the account to the citizens, each of us pays each year to the Catholic Church so much more than 8 per thousand of his income! Of course one could argue that if the church were pay taxes as ordinary citizens and secular institutions of all kinds and purposes, are prevented from doing so and would face bankruptcy: legal arrangement by which the Concordat first and second does not apply to any ecclesiastical body. What is thus declared immune from the risk of failure and not brought to trial, the Court of competenza.Ma apart from this aspect of proper legal matter, one wonders what is the return of the immense economic cost borne by the Italian people to maintain a foreign state (a pseudo-state, a legal fiction, artificial and fictitious entity) and an ecclesiastical system that constantly intrudes plus all aspects of national life, not just expressing his opinions, but concrete mobilizing political forces and conducting expensive campaigns to pressure the abundance of money available makes it possible to implement. For a financial burden, political, legal and moral so overwhelming the counterparty may be the simple "conservation value" of a culture and the satisfaction of "taking into account the principles of Catholicism, believing (wrongly) that they form part (including the Crusades, the Inquisition witch hunt) the historical heritage of the Italian people. I'm afraid, and rightly, that the return cost is not the prerogative of the people but the political class Italian, that since the Law of Guarantees and Covenant Gentiloni, despite its internal contradictions interesting point on the support of SRC to their maneuvers and power to safeguard their political and personal interests.

Law No. 122 of 1985
Second Report on secularism in liberal critics No. 123-124 January-February 2006. p. 31, 39 Law No. 186 of 2003
Second Report on secularism in liberal critics No. 123-124 January-February 2006. p. 52, 57Agenzia of Economic and Social Research Ecclesiastical Authorities: figures of tax evasion. Report of September 7, 2006 Law No. 248 of 2006

Monday, June 18, 2007

Cyst On Butt Are They Herpes


Sara Nicoli
Equality, dignity, and secularism. Principles that any democratic state should take for granted. But not in Italy. In Italy it falters. So much so that yesterday gathered in the square thousands of colorful gay, lesbian, homosexual, but also many young and old, men and women spiritually united in a battle of civilizations, that the secular state. If you come to the point of delegating to the squares, variously oriented, the defense of a fundamental principle of democracy, if you arrived at when the defense of gay rights has become a battle of all. Because their isolation Political same as all other citizens, then it can be considered as having passed the threshold of political debate and to be plunged into a real democratic emergency. Counts very little, indeed seems almost ridiculous, participation in the battle of secularism engaged in "Gay Pride" of some ministers in this shaky execution. Embarrassing to hear the allegations against clerical interference in the laws of the secular state by those who should be the first defender of democratic principles without hesitation and timidity, regularly dusted off in Parliament on behalf of politicians who do not care about balancing nicely the real needs of citizens first of all equality rights. There were many politicians of left, yesterday in the square, almost all belonging to that branch of the left has decided to leave the parent company of the emerging Democratic Party. Took to the streets for the same reason why they decided to rip with Rutelli and Fassino, with Prodi and D'Alema, with Binetti and Fioroni, founding fathers of the emerging Democratic Party increasingly biased towards the Vatican on the reading of the legislative ethical issues. That left the streets, led by Angi and Salvi, has instead a better idea, very clear on the subject. But their current political power, that of numbers, it makes a difference in the battle over secularism is being fought, however, daily, between the benches of Parliament, including those seeking to pass the equal rights to a mere question of minority, in order to impose one single model of ethical and social reference: the usual "traditional family", to clerical mold that today is not just a majority in the country. Just remember the photo of exuberant political family "Family Day" rode in great pomp by the Knight himself just a month ago, where all political leaders in the square were separated and the second or third family in tow. Apart Mastella.La presence of heterosexual people in the "Gay Pride" would have made it clear to this paralyzed the Italian political class that the idea of \u200b\u200braising a single model of reference one mind and one way of understanding the emotional ties to the community calendar is considered politically loser. And continue to tolerate that the urgent interference of the Church on the management of customs and rights of citizens, can backfire especially devastating for the political parties in the making, just as the Democratic Party. Because now it is clear that the Act say that the living will, through the revision of Law 40 on artificial insemination up to a possible review of family planning clinics, no longer pass only the rights of a few, but those of all. Those who feel threatened from any diversity has always been considered a weakness he sees in the freedom of others an open challenge to the fragile ethics. Only "traditional families" weak may feel threatened or belittled by coexistence of different choices made by different people. There is, in short, no justification, if not precisely the immense fragility of thought, the entire national community to want to impose rules of social life that now belong to a community of small and dull conformists who is giving to a bank Church increasingly closed in on itself and therefore increasingly arrogant. In this sense, the battle over the secular state can rise again more. Because in the game now, there is a value even higher, that of freedom.

's funny how all defend our wrongs with more vigor than our rights.
Kahlil Gibran

Friday, June 15, 2007

Perpetuity Caluculation


atmosphere is from September 8 . The smell of the political tornado that is coming. Is being prepared. Italy had its chance to change in 1992. He failed. They won the lobby, the gangs, the mafia. The second republic is dead cradle. After the mafia slaughters throughout Italy and the death of Falcone and Borsellino was all over. The 61 to 0 seats in force in Sicily Italy is unsurpassed, even Ceaucescu in Romania was successful. Pax mafia, mess with pax, pax piduista , Confindustria pax, pax sindacale.Craxi in exile and his protege chairman of the board. The left applauded him during his conference. The selling off of state assets, telephony, motorways, water. The cancellation of the rights of workers. Adversely affected to the top of large companies. Parlamento.Il tornado affected in turn, turn. Its smell is that of rotten wood , rope, hail rain and dense. Italy is a pressure cooker, if you miss this time brings with it all. Perhaps the nation state. And our employees? They play hide and seek. I try not to get caught. One law after another, such as cherries, not to be condemned, not to be intercepted, not to get published interceptions to be prescribed for pardon. Rather than politics seems cops and robbers. A wind, say a premonition, he says that other intercepts are at the door. The summer will be hot. September and then will Fuck day, or V-Day. A cross between the D-Day landing in Normandy and V for Vendetta. It will be held Saturday, September 8 in the squares of Italy, as a reminder that nothing has changed since 1943. Yesterday n escape the king and the nation in disarray today armored political problems in buildings surrounded by "cultural". The V-Day is a day of information and popular participation. To be stay tuned to the blog.

Speaking of politics ... there would be something to eat?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

How Big Should A Gas Furnace Flame Be

Genoa 2001, Diaz was a "butcher"

Written by Mark M. by
"A Mexican butcher. During the investigation had not the courage to disclose such conduct 'severe by the police for a sense of belonging '. This is the testimony given by Michelangelo Fournier, at the time of the G8 in Genoa vice quaestor added the first Mobile Unit in Rome and now one of the 28 policemen accused of the bloody raid in the Diaz school. Fournier has provided a new version of what he had seen at the time of eruption: real beatings still going on in their helpless young pelo.Alla Diaz bags there were dozens of young people who were sleeping, wake up from savage beatings launch with their mindless violence by police officers sent there for that. The scenes stories and images we put in six years before her eyes are terrible. Walls and floors covered in blood, a girl on the ground with his head in a pool of blood, pounded dozens of civilians and beaten up. Those of the police actions were neither isolated nor excessive ...
but were part of a criminal political plan by the state apparatus, as was clear from the outset and as confirmed the sentence against the state issued more than a month ago (see related article). "It looked like a Mexican butcher shop": these are the words of Michelangelo Fournier today in the courtroom in Genoa, answering questions from the prosecutor Francesco Cardona Albini.
"arrived on the first floor of the institute I found in place of the fights. Four policemen, two with white belt and the other in plain clothes were raging on unarmed demonstrators on the ground. It seemed a Mexican butcher shop. "" I saw a girl on the ground with the broken head in a pool of blood. Even thought he was dying. "

Immediate request Pm Pumpkin Fournier asked why he had never said before these things during the investigation when he provided a different version. Fournier replied:" They were not my men and I've said before, a sense of belonging to the body. "Six years after the truth, evident from the outset to all intelligent people, honest and even the least informed, it becomes increasingly evident and increasingly impossible to hide, to send away. The Committee for Truth and Justice Genova comments: Dr. Fournier spoke about the "Mexican butchery." The current foreign minister, in 2001, spoke of "Night in Chile". We use the exoticism, but we are faced with an "Italian-style raid" that has tainted the credibility of the police and the state. At this point we ask: the chief of police has nothing to say? The interior minister will also look the other way this time? The parliament will continue to keep in a drawer on the law committee of inquiry?

With violence you kill the one you hate, but not kill hatred. Violence increases hatred and nothing else.
Martin Luther King

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Best Ultra Light Wheelchair

The Divine Matrix - Gregg Braden Milan Seminar

Lorenza and Marco Veronese Pamio for - June 4, 2007

More than a thousand people last Wednesday, May 30 filled the conference hall of Hotel Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan to attend the seminar by Gregg Braden It was organized by "The Hill . It was the first time that the U.S. scientist was in Italy - despite travel the world - for which we must thank the organization that succeeded in the business.
Gregg Braden, scientist, geologist and former employee of NASA, has published a new vision of science and religion, managed to blend together in a revolutionary new theory really strepitosa.Un starting from the scientific paradigm of classical physics, quantum and holographic vision of the universe, has reached the highest peaks of the Great Revolution esoteric knowledge!
"Know what is visible and what is hidden will become clear," said Gregg Braden remembering the lost Gospel of Thomas (from his widely cited). There is nothing new to discover, but the information we need is before our eyes, the difficult thing is to see them. And in all this, the role it plays "Divine Blueprint", the network of energy that permeates everything and that everything connects, consisting of a mixture filaments very similar to those found in our brain.
We always thought that the void exists, and that it is physically seen, but recent studies developed at the University of Princeton based on images taken by the probe Chandia orbit by NASA, show that the vacuum does not exist: we are surrounded by an infinite energy and our bodies and all that exists around us, are nothing but the materialization of this field. Our brain is an antenna tuned to receive information from the field itself (Akasha, collective unconscious, etc.). And the language with which we can communicate with it, is formed by our emotions.
Albert Einstein said that we, as humans, we did not have any impact on the universe around: we were a mere passive observers. This philosophy is derived from decades of Darwinian science, which was the basis of all Western theories, even eugenics. A science almost "mechanical" which gave only the religion, the ability to detect a glimmer of man power and spiritual energy. Now we explode these beliefs, because although it is true that we are made of microscopic particles of quantum energy (imagine the atom no longer as small solar system with a fixed core in the center and electrons as satellites, revolve around to it, but as a wave pulsating), as we have been told for about 70 years, now finally all the variables were studied properties of these particles with high potential. They, for example, may be in more places at the same time remaining connected to one another are present in the past and present and still have communication with each other and if one of them undergoes changes, the others will follow the same change instantly.
An experiment mentioned by Gregg Braden in order to better emphasize these concepts, dates back to 1997 at the University of Geneva, worked on two photons linked. Both were placed in a special machine that had the task to separate them up to a distance of about 14 miles. From this test we studied a phenomenon called "entanglement" because what was found was that both particles, albeit 14 miles away, continued to act as if they had been connected together. Why is the field of energy that keeps them connected. Now try to think that the universe as we know, the origins (according to the theory of Big Bang) was all a single block of material and not just a tiny speck of matter that would then be subject to an explosion. Following the explosion and suffered various changes, which have separate and amended to make it as we see it today, we can say that, as for the two photons, each particle and every being, remain in connection with each other, thanks to the energy field.
E 'can then infer that if everything is connected, and there are these channels of' communication 'between all that makes up our reality, we are able (if we can tune in to the Matrix, Matrix, and Matrix Energy Field " Divine ") to know everything that exists, whether it be material things or" abstract ", as thoughts and emotions, and communicate with it. The next step was to understand the kind of impact it can have on the human reality is a mere observer as Einstein argued, by contrast, becomes a participant of the reality?
answers with Gregg Braden said the second experiment, namely the one made by the Russian scientist Poponiam. He took a glass tube and created what we could call the blank (but in fact we know to be such). After this operation found that, in fact, the inside of the pipe was not exactly empty, but you could check for the presence of photons prepared randomly. The idea was to insert human DNA into the tube and to study their effects. What happened was unbelievable: the photons, arranged in a haphazard and random, lined ellipse of DNA in a mirror! Not only that, Once extracted the DNA from the tube the photons were in the exact same position, acting as if the DNA was still present. From this it follows that the human being is able, thanks to the presence of his DNA to change the surrounding reality. This shocking result, was classified as "DNA Phantom (Phantom of DNA).
Now, we have understood the following:
1) There is no vacuum in the Universe
2) There is, otherwise, energy-related holding every little part of reality (material or energy only)
3) Man is to consist of particles of energy communicating with the energy field or matrix "Divine"
4) The Matrix "Divine" is also the container of all information, the bridge or channel of communication through which we can access that information and also a mirror that reflects our inner reality outwardly
5) L 'man has a high potential, which is able to change the surrounding reality.

What's more, a study in 1993 reported that there is an energy field around our heart that expands outside. Perhaps not everyone knows that the electric field of the Heart is 100 times greater than that of the brain, and the magnetic field more than 5000 times! It is therefore a very powerful body, very more than might be the brain itself. The same study found that emotions are able to make changes to the DNA of the individual that he lived. Indeed, positive emotions of love and compassion, for example, relax the ellipse of the DNA, fear and anger, on the contrary, the contract. What results is that we have a powerful body that can, through emotions, to modify their bodies, DNA, which in turn change the surrounding reality. Man is therefore a very powerful being.
DNA -> change -> external reality
Emotions (feelings) -> modify -> then the DNA

Emotions (feelings) -> Change -> external reality
Nothing new on the horizon: this knowledge also come from ancient religions and philosophies, such as those that support the power of Eastern thought, "thought creates reality," as well our own religion, the recent discoveries as the Gospel of Thomas, the texts Essenes and the famous Dead Sea Scrolls. All this has been hidden, all part of learning, the initiation of Christ (which is missing from the Bible as we know), which would have revealed this secret mystery of human value. Knowledge deleted from the Council of Nicea Emperor Constantine in 325 AD, where a group of people had the power to reshape and rewrite the history of the roots and the destiny of man.
The second part of the seminar touched on the importance of beliefs and convictions. "The power of belief is infinite," he kept repeating Gregg Braden. The world as we know, that external reality, is a standing wave, a wave sets. The universe does work in quantum manner, ie in the form of waves that come and go (like the radio for instance), past and present, so as not standing waves, and then unfrozen.
Remember that everything exists in the Matrix (Akasha, etc.).? Well beliefs produce a standing wave (fixed) that blocks a possibility quantum create reality. How to do it? Simple: when connected to the heart a feeling of pure Love, Compassion, (accept the world as it is non-judgmental) and above all FEEL THE FEELING AS IF IT WERE ALREADY 'OCCURRED, we block this possibility (quantum) is the materialization, we do that become a reality! In practice, we rotate the crank and change the radio frequency tuner. Here's a possible explanation of the so-called miraculous healings.
Science fiction? Maybe, but since it does not cost anything except the feeling of love, why not try? Thank you for this window of Gregg Braden light in the darkness of the desecration of our era, for understanding the existence of something higher, a great power that we humans can have, living in harmony with the world around us, communicating with and making it even load a heavy responsibility. In a very recent superhero movies, it was argued that "a great power comes great responsibility." I think it's time to take over the reins of our lives and to act on our reality. As well as Gregg Braden says, "is not written anywhere that what we live to be the only viable possibility in the universe."

All our knowledge, principles by feelings.
Leonardo da Vinci

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Infant Tylenol Cause Constipation


Agnes Licata
There are lives that are worth less than others. It's that way forever. But what is the life of a Nigerian child, what is more affected by a fatal disease such as meningitis? In the perfect world and there is only right that nell'ingenuità of children, there can be no price for the life of a human being, whatever his age, his sex, his wallet, in which the nation was born. In the real world, however, succeeds another. What happens is that a multinational pharmaceutical company decides to take advantage of the emergency health care in a developing country to test a new drug on children. No matter if this has not yet obtained the license to be used on adults. It matters little if the side effects are still virtually unknown. It matters even less if in a crisis situation, start a trial hinder rather than help and relief. No matter when it launches a drug from which it expects revenue from dizziness. Faced with a billion dollars a year, that weight can have the life of two hundred African children? But first things first. On June 4 should begin the process that will see the Kano State (in northern Nigeria) oppose to one of the largest multinational pharmaceutical companies, the "Pfizer International. To understand who you are talking, just to mention two more drugs sold by this American company: Viagra, the famous blue pill for impotence, and Lipitor, one of the most prescribed products to combat cholesterol. The crux of the litigation of the case in Nigeria dates back to 1996 when an epidemic of meningitis, cholera and measles hit northern Nigeria. Thousands of deaths in a region so poor as to have only one hospital against infectious diseases. Upon arrival, the association of "Doctors without borders" is located in front of a dilapidated building without water and electricity in many salt rats on rotting corpses. To try to stem the disaster, brings with it a common and inexpensive antibiotic, chloramphenicol. Meanwhile, overseas, Pfizer is working on a new drug, Trovan, an antibiotic that aims to treat a very wide range of infections. In the U.S. clinical trials - that the tests necessary to obtain approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for marketing - are still on the high seas. According to the usual "evil speech", then the Trovan had been tested only on pigs. The official statement by the corporation, however, say that 5 thousand patients had already taken the drug. In any case, the approval the FDA will come only months later, in 1997. Testing on children will not speak. In the U.S., to expand the use of a drug to children is necessary to make a further trial after those in adults and to wait a certain period after its entry into the market. Before being given to younger patients, in fact, be sure that there are no serious side effects on other patients. America, however, poses no such restrictions and protections if the children are not Americans. A company can easily carry out trials abroad without ensuring this procedure. Pfizer was planning to test the effectiveness of Trovan meningitis also on the child, to increase even more future sales. Too bad that the United States to find the volunteers needed for the test is virtually impossible: too few cases of meningitis. And it is here that someone can think of Pfizer's epidemic in Nigeria. Here there are cases galore. A small consignment of medical devices is set up in a hurry. It takes six weeks to twelve months instead of the design commonly required. In addition, within only three weeks of arrival in Kano to do: select the young patients, begin to administer the medication, check its effectiveness and follow the whole course. Moreover, in the minds of all multinationals - pharmaceutical and non - in developing countries are little more than simple supermarkets from which to take what you need without too many problems: energy resources but also human lives. The result of that experimentation comes to light only in 2000, thanks to an inquiry from The Washington Post. Of the two hundred children selected by Pfizer, 18 died and 182 were affected by deafness, blindness, deformities, paralysis. Absurd numbers that represent the strength of the prosecution at the trial of June 4. In recent years, the pharmaceutical company defended itself against accusations of arrogance with Nigerian parents: the children would have died anyway, in fact, many would not have survived without even the saving Trovan. Needless to ask why they chose to administer the drug to orally rather than intravenously, this last method, which ensures a more rapid (and thus almost the only one used in the United States on the cases of meningitis). In any case, says Pfizer, the cards were all in place, with so much approval by the hospital ethics committee of Kano, which was sent to the Nigerian government. Small detail: at the time - March 1996 - there was such a committee. The denial comes from Sadiq Wali, the medical director of the hospital: "There was no ethics committee at the time. It was created in October of 1996, about six months after the test. " The charge is paid to Pfizer of deliberately pre-dated the letter to cover their backs. After all, who would have control? In 1996 Nigeria was controlled by an easy-to-military government corruption. The papers raise some suspicion is undeniable, particularly as regards the way in which patients were selected. If such a thing happen in any Western country, doctors should make parents sign a release. In Nigeria, however, Pfizer has benefited not only the desperation of many people, but also illiteracy. No release was signed. The corporation maintains that all information has been given orally. The testimony of the parents, however, say more. They say they believe that those doctors were not the Pfizer but for "Doctors without borders", as the shelter of the association was not far away. They say they were not informed that their children would be given a drug not yet tested. Moreover, to conclude the entire three weeks you can not go too subtle. Now, more than ten years after the case of Kano, what happened to the Trovan? In 1997, the FDA granted approval. In a short time, has become one of the most prescribed antibiotics in the U.S.. The experiment in Nigeria is not enough to Pfizer for obtaining permission for use on American children. Within a few months, in addition, they started to find severe liver damage in patients taking Trovan. Result? In 1999 the FDA decided to restrict the prescription of the drug are a few particularly serious cases and only in hospitals. The European equivalent of the FDA chose to ban completely the use. If these were the effects on adult patients in the West and food hygiene conditions very different from those that can be found in Africa, surprisingly, it took just three days of administration, to kill a child in Nigeria a decade just 19 kg of weight? While waiting for if and how the process will start against Pfizer, perhaps enough to think that African children, how the doctors of a multinational have not tried to save it with another drug. Suffice it to think that this was only for money, claiming that the laws of the so-called advanced nations begin to consider equally important to the life of a Western child and everyone else in the world.

The world turns only out of ignorance.
Charles Baudelaire

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fritos Cheddar Ranch Twist

"In Palermo with my son after 15 years people avoided me, afraid of the mafia"

journey with Manu, who was four months old when his father was killed. "It could change everything, but the state has stopped '

Rosaria Schifani, the widow of an officer of the stock of Falcon: the judges? They fight like then

from our correspondent PALERMO - Fifteen years after the Capaci massacre, returned to Palermo Rosa. With its Manu who had just four months when he remained an orphan. The young widow, still remembered for that keen sore turned to the Mafia, "I forgive you, but kneel down," he scrutinized for five days, the city where her husband Vito Schifani torn died with two other colleagues to protect Giovanni Falcone. Here she is with Manu in the center, on vacation as a tourist, and between Politeama Teatro Massimo where no one recognizes it. A walk in the village where was born to Virgin Mary with the boy she has grown in Tuscany. And Manu has discovered only now with concern the narrow streets, low houses among waterfront cemetery and roll, adorned the corners, but also the disaster of the nearby Arenella, sweeping corners, the illegal buildings. With the eyes of a boy surprised, bewildered before the city found, "Mom why Palermo is so beautiful and so ugly?". Rosaria has rebuilt his life away from the Virgin Mary and by the Auditor, the neighborhood parents. But he wanted to accompany Manu in the city where he had taken away. He traveled along the roads of the Child, reviewed relatives, acquaintances cross. A journey, an ordeal. The first post is the family home, two olive trees, the sea front. A woman approaches, uncertain. "You're the daughter of Lina?". "I took affection. But it took just a waste, "says Rosaria on these troubled streets close to the cemetery. The houses of the living behind the graves. The houses on the coast are dominated by crosses and noble that slide on a slope. Death and life mix. "Men do not approach. Twisted like the lanes. They are afraid, meeting, stopping and talking, giving the impression of thinking like me. So many pretend not to see me best not to deal with it. It looks through me as if I were transparent. But it should be the other way? Should be me not wanting to deal with them. " Manu observes and asks, "They are ashamed of you, Mom?". Did you find the holiday home on the Internet, a few steps from Villa Igiea. "Beautiful," rejoices from the balcony of the sea and lace Tonnara Florio. But darkens immediately, while two boys splashing in motorcycle without helmets, "The beach, a dirt expanse. The sea washes dust and dirt. Where is the City? They did have the elections and a mayor. But there is a garbage man? A traffic policeman who is concerned with the standards to be met? The facade of Palermo finally appears viable in the city center. Something was done, it shows. But a mayor has to work on the beautiful, must deal with the bad. Excuse me, but I do not think Palermo is went on. " Rosaria would return to live here? "Manco died. In Palermo, I smell the mafia, the arrogance of the neighborhood, reduced to the political deal, illegal parking and traders wondering when I ask for your receipt. I would be there alone. To challenge those damned well that affect the breathing of our relatives. Prevails here twice. The coast looks beautiful and ugly buildings that encircle. The houses seem bad, but inside they are beautiful. To hide, to confuse, to avoid envy. Prevailing contrast. I look and it saddens me. Here does not change anything. " And 'the bitter feeling that accompanies it through the city, pointing to the Tree Manù Falcone, stalled in traffic around the Palace of Justice. From a distance he thought he could change something? "It could change everything. But the state has stopped. Prosecutors have begun to quarrel among themselves. Divided between friends and friends of Grasso Caselli. Again? Basta. As at the time of Falcone. Without ever recognizing the merits of those who work really. I'm glad to see so many studies that have done well traitors "within the investigation. But not enough. The state has stopped too many times. Because the state is afraid to look inside. " It 'an indictment of the investigation which evokes a season, "Slaughter Group disbanded when they were still working on the murder of secret Capaci and via D'Amelio. And 'as if the State wanted to stop that work. How many books have come out on those and other investigations. Judges become writers. But do not tell us all the way in which mysteries are bogged down. Starting from the safe empty Riina, the databank Falcone with memory erased, disappear from the bag made by machine Wallet with agenda inside. " Advice? "For Provenzano and company do not speak of chicory, flaws and quirks. Do not create the myth and not amplified. Just murderers we face. " Provenzano who is? "A gentleman who, with his mysticism, also mocks God." If you could talk to him? "A question I have. Why were they made the slaughter? This I know, seeing that justice comes in and stops only to you boss. But the Mafia is Mafia when associated with something that moves in other environments. No, maybe a different tone: if he can do this act of charity, Mr. Provenzano, please speak. So perhaps it is Utopia. I understand that might be afraid of being poisoned in prison, as happened before in Italy, but this people do charity without truth. Mr. Provenzano is free and die at least without the weight. We shall expire on the rent, Bernardo Provenzano. Are you passing through. Delivered from evil, deliver us with the truth. " The major worry? "The mystery of the murders in Palermo. Why not to Rome, where Falcone was an easy target? What was meant to signal Palermo? We must rediscover the complicity high, given everything that happened while you were electing the President of the Republic. " Who could convince Provenzano to speak? "His children. I noticed a difference with that of Riina. Perhaps marked by a diversity role of women. "My kids do not have to commit a crime", have said the mother. As the wife of Riina, Bagarella sister, I do not think he did the same. That's why today I am more interested in the Provenzano family. I would talk to his children: help your father to confess. You, son of Provost to teach in school, teach your dad to change. " Rosaria insists then on repentance and forgiveness? You can still repeat that "forgiveness, but kneel down"? "Meanwhile, those who wants to ask. And act. Kneeling is to speak, tell, really regret not only making a pact with the state. Because with those pacts have emerged only half-truths. It is not enough. All you need is the truth, even if raw. Do not stunt the hidden truth concealing the contents of a safe, clearing and getting rid of agendas. "Pessimism prevails? "I remember meeting with the widow of Pio La Torre, wary. He explained that we were not victims of "state secrets" but of "State crime". " What image of this takes away Manù Sicily? "I told him that, in addition to the boss with the cap, too many in this country live with the mafia becoming blind. I do not, I can not. Manu, who grew up next to an extraordinary man he calls Dad. A man of the State, as it was my Vito. The story here because even a neighbor scolded me, chilling: "Did you brought with the cop? Next time alone." Reflection of a mentality that does not care about civil society, petrified, immutable, despite every tragedy, every anniversary. " And Rosaria again.
Felice Cavallaro

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Tell Is Someone Is Wearing A Diaper

Veltroni: "Neither of right or left. The law is a law

Rome mayor writes a Republic response to the reader, so you're the weak. "Invoking the rule of law is not politacamente incorrect." Multiplying the integration tools for who respects the law of Walter Veltroni

Dear Editor, Republic hosted yesterday on its front page a letter from a leftist, educated, attentive to what is happening in his community, who teaches his daughters the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance and of nonviolence, and that both are fed up of crimes committed by immigrants (and of course not only by them) and calls for security, legal claims, wants those who make mistakes pay. Some see in this a contradiction? A get out of the rails of the "politically correct"? If so I think that someone would be out of the way or, better still would be to patterns of our time, and real life people, you are responsible to overcome. Legality is not the right or left. The law does not, and should have a political color. It 's a fundamental right of citizens, and whoever is in government of a community to uphold and knows that his task, his duty. Especially today, because every person who has eyes to see and ears to hear it actually receives in our society, the embers of insecurity and distrust of foreigners are likely to turn into a fire of intolerance and hatred then, closing and then exclusion. How much more absurd and dangerous for the coexistence of all. And 'the paradox of a global time: re-emerging barriers and conflicts of identity, religious or ethnic origin. It 's the risk that we must avoid. What to do, then. Be avoided, meanwhile, the easy polemics, attempts to ride the problems for the purposes of section used to have some small advantage after having fed the fears of citizens. Once this is done, I think there is a dual attitude to take, and I would like to bring the idea to give a concrete example. A few months ago I met the guys at a high school in Rome, who told of acts of hooliganism, theft of a motor, a climate of increasingly heavy. All of the work of some of the nearby Roma camp in via Lombroso. In those kids I did not find any form of racism, in their words, there was nothing ruling: there was the desire of being guaranteed the right to live peacefully in their neighborhood, there was an application of law to which we responded in practice. With the commissioner responsible have held several meetings in the field, unfortunately without success. Families responsible for those acts were then removed, while all others remained to live in what is one of many villages where equipped in recent years we have moved the Roma who had previously lived in squatter settlements and uncontrolled.
is the dual approach: better living conditions, education and job placement, in a word solidarity for those who respect the law and the rules of civil coexistence. Absolute firmness and severity of these laws for those who do not care and these breaking the rules. Doing so is essential. Think of what they are and what they are getting more and more quickly our society. We think of Italy, where foreigners have gone from one million six hundred thousand in 2000 to three million six hundred thousand today. There are two million more people in a few years. Have different histories and cultures are different ways to think and relate to others. Or will it all live with, or strengthen respect for differences is a common heritage of shared rules, or the problems will multiply. We, as Italians, we know what it means to emigrate, what it means to leave their land, their homes, looking for hope of a better life for themselves and for their children. Italy was a poor country, which after the war has risen due to the aid of the international community. Can not be able to understand that now falls to us to do the same, not only because it is morally right, but because the first radical response on immigration and security is to be able to ensure that poor countries should not be longer escape? Simultaneously, with the same radicalism should govern the flows into and multiply the means of integration. And with the same radicalism must affirm the principle that those who choose to live in Italy, there are only rights: there are the duties, there are laws to be respected. Integration and legality must always live with.